- There is usually the result of an infection near the anus causing a collection of pus [abscess] in the nearby tissue.
Diverticulitis- Infection of the small pouches, that can stick out of the side of the large intestine.
Infection with tuberculosis or HIV.
- Most anal fistulas after an anal abscess , they can occur if the abscess doesn’t heal properly after The pus has drained away.Its estimated that between one in every two to four people.
Less common cause of anal fistula :
- Crohns disease- A long term condition in which the digestion system becomes inflamed.
Diverticulitis- Infection of the small pouches, that can stick out of the side of the large intestine.
Infection with tuberculosis or HIV.
- Crohns disease- A long term condition in which the digestion system becomes inflamed.
Diverticulitis- Infection of the small pouches, that can stick out of the side of the large intestine.
Infection with tuberculosis or HIV.
The end of the fistula might be visible as a hole in the skin near your anus although this may be difficult for you to see yourself.
- If you have persistant symptoms of an anal fistula-Fever chills, redness, swelling, bleeding, discharge,constipation, etc.
You should refer to a ‘Proctologist’-[who specializes in colon & rectal diseases] for further tests to confirm the diagnosis & determine the most suitable treatment.
These may include:
- Crohns disease- A long term condition in which the digestion system becomes inflamed.
Diverticulitis- Infection of the small pouches, that can stick out of the side of the large intestine.
Infection with tuberculosis or HIV.