

  • Anal fissures are the small tears formed in the anal lining. They are also known as anal ulcers.

  • An anal fissure causes a lot of pain & bleeding during your bowel movements. Usually a fissure heals automatically in a few days time. It can be treated with simple home remedies as well.


  • You can suffer from an anal fissure if you pass hard anal large stools.

  • Also strain child birth or suffering from violent spells of diarrhoea gets you an anal fissure.

  • Chronic constipation may also be cause of fissure.

  • Other rare causes may be anal cancers, HIV, TB, or Herpes.

  • Individual of all age group can suffer from anal fissure.


A fissure has quite a lot of symptoms for you to understand what you are suffering from:

  • There will be a very visible tear around the anal region. You will be able to spot the tear on the skin very easily.

  • A small lump of skin may form next to the tear.

  • When you will be undergoing your bowel movements, you will feel a very sharp pain in the anal region.

  • You will find spots of blood on the stool passed.


  • Although most fissures do not require treatment, there are a few remedies that will help cure them faster.

  • Stool softeners: -
    you get certain medicines of the chemists, which are known for their stool softening functions. These stool softeners help to softens the hard stools and initiates smooth bowel movements.

  • Eat fibrous food: -
    Eat food reach in fibres like fruits, whole grains, cereals, raw vegetables, etc.

  • Take warm baths: -
    Take a bath in warm water as it relaxes your anal muscles helps to relieve irritation in the region & increases blood flow in the anorectal region.

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